Ballistik Industrial Trial Program

About The Ballistik Trial Program

Ballistik is committed to the continuous development of products that Endure, Protect, & Perform. To keep innovating and creating value, we've decided to provide a free service that puts our gloves in the hands of the people who can truly put them to the test.

Scroll down to Apply!  All products are fair game. Pick the combination of gloves that meet your spec and industry. Provide some information and we will send back our calendar to book your consultation session.

Step 1

Apply for the Program & Book a 15 Minute Product Consultation Session

Step 2

Choose Your Product(s)!

Step 3

Work With Your Employees to Preform in-field testing!

Step 4

Provide Feedback Through a Simple Survey


Work with a Product Specialist to Quote Your First Order

(Bonus: 10% Discount on First Order & Free Set-up on Custom Order System)

Industrial Trial FAQ

How to Apply:
  • Step 1: Fill out some brief information to let us know who you are, and which gloves you are interested in.
  • Step 2: You will receive a one of our specialist’s calendar availability to book an introduction call to make sure we send out the right product(s) for your team.
  • Step 3: Once the gloves have been sent, we will reach out once more after 2 weeks with a survey to grade quality, comfort, and usability.

    Trial Program Application

    First Name

    Last Name



    Job Title

    Company Name

    Number of Employees wearing PPE

    I am interested in the following categories

    I work in the following industry

    Other (Industry)






